
A few pix from last night’s garden tour

A few photos from Ann Kleckner’s prairie meadow last night…..thanks to her and Jack Mitchell for sharing their beautiful yards. (Sorry Jack, I forgot to take pix at your house!)  :-)…….Windi

Invite from PS Garden Club

Bernie forwarded this invitation from Pleasant Springs Garden Club for their April 20th meeting.  If you’d like to attend, they want us to RSVP, so reply to your garden club email  or call Pat’s number (in the email).

I have invited Paul Ganshert, Ganshert Nursery, to speak at the April 20 meeting, 6:30 pm at the PS Town Hall.

His topic is 

Storm Water Runoff, Grading & Drainage Correction, Permeable Paver Options for Walkways & Driveways, etc.

(Do we have an address to the PS Town Hall??)

-Susan K

Tree Planting Sun 9 am

Tree planting volunteers,

With the weather promising to be wet on Sunday, we are starting the tree planting early.

9:00 AM we will start at the corner of Jefferson Street and Alpine Parkway. You will see our trucks.

We will move down to the corner of Alpine and West Netherwood on the path by the future parking lot.

Then we will start down the center path from the parking lot end, traveling south to the other end of the path.

We will be driving three trucks on the path and need everyone’s help to keep clear of the trucks when we move them.

We hope this time will work for all of you planning on helping plant trees.


Kathy Esch

upcoming events at America’s Best Flowers

Click on above link to see the upcoming events thru September  at
America’s Best Flowers
4311 Vilas Hope Rd.
Cottage Grove WI, 53527


cheat sheet for blog coming soon

I know I said this would be ready last week.  I hope to have the screen shots and info on the blog done by this coming weekend.  It will be in Microsoft word .doc format.

It is almost done.

Susan K


Should we be leaving our first names when we create a new post? OR does it not matter? — Sandy

How to add a picture

This is Medium size.  If you publish and decide to change the size, you will need to click on the Add an image icon again and redo it.

Garden Tours needed for Spring and Summer

Please let us know when you are willing to host a garden tour.  Don’t be shy.  If you need help in your garden or help with a garden project, please don’t be afraid to ask for help too.

Garden Club hosts Q&A at library

Tuesday, March 29 at 6:30 pm.  Sue Ames Room

Jack and Windi and any other garden club members present will gladly answer any of your questions. Open to the general public.